Preparing For & Validating the Transition




« The secret is that there are always solutions»

Laurent Chenot, Entrepreneur 



We can work with service RH or direction on upstream:

  • Analysis of client concerns (the economic and social context, decision motivators,...)
  • HR diagnosis (needs of colleagues, those who leave and also those who stay)


  • Recommandations (action plan outlining the context within the compagny and their desire to accompagny their staff as best as possible during this period of transition)



As a part of this intervention, we can :

  • Identifying specific needs which support successfully achieving the transition.
  • Identifying specific needs, key factors which contribute to the success of people in transition.
  • Identifying specific needs of the staff who continue to be employment.

So as to recommend elements of personalized resolutions (VAE support, coaching, mediation), as well as the appropriate deontological frame.


To learn it more, contact us